Saturday 9 October 2010

The Memorial of Blessed John Henry Newman, priest

I was unable to celebrate the Mass of the new memorial today but was pleased to pray the Office in his honour. The second reading for the Office of Readings is well-chosen, bringing out Newman's mature understanding of faith and his devotion to the Truth. I am also glad that the word, "priest" was added. As Pope Benedict said, we especially honour Newman as a saintly priest.


  1. Dear Father, am I right in thinking that this second reading if from one of Blessed John Henry Newman's works. If so, which one. I do so want to read it today.

    Thank you, and may God bless you and you own priestly prayer and work.

  2. Jane, sorry to be so late answering this. It is from the Apologia Chapter V Beginning from, "From the time I became a Catholic" and ending with "for these latter days" The page numbers are given as 238-239, 250-251, so a major piece from that chapter is taken out and two sections put together. These page references are from the 1864 edition. Maybe you can find the exact text on the net somewhere.

  3. Newman & Education
