Saturday, 23 March 2013

The Holy Spirit at the Conclave; Cardinal Mahoney's testimony

This is the second testimony about the action of the Holy Spirit I have heard or seen from a cardinal at the Conclave, Read it, you'll be glad you did. Does anyone have any further doubts about this Pope?


  1. I think that when he says that he trembled deeply this verifies his story as being true. I have no doubt that heaven was stormed and that we got the right Pope.

    The only problem I have now is moving on from Pope Benedict. I have often found that his writings have moved me to tears in much the same way as the writings of some of those whom inspired him along the way.

  2. Yes, Pope Bendeict's writings were and are filled with true Wisdom. I agree. I miss already not having probably the greatest living theologian as our Pope. However, we must even more put that teaching into practice. Pope Francis comes to us in the "spirit" of the great spiritual reformer and with a distinctly "Marian" charism. The doors are opening to the power of the Holy Spirit.

  3. The testimony of Cardinal Mahony confirms the influence of the Holy Spirit during the Conclave but is this influence available to everyone?
    If the answer is YES (which I believe to be so) then what is needed is the capacity to discern the Holy Spirit's activity and ensure that we comply with His guidance.
    Discernment is something we all need to develop to ensure that "God's will be done" and not our own. If only.
