Monday 12 March 2012

Signs of grace 2

The late Betty Hutton (died 2007) attempted suicide after another failed marriage and suffering from drug addition and heavy drinking. She was "rescued" by a Catholic priest who did not know who she was, and found herself housekeeper to three priests in a busy parish. She eventually converted to Catholicism and after 10 years was reconciled with her daughters and was able to return to her family. She was then given another chance on stage and had a short career on the TV. She began to travel around schools warning kids about addiction. She was often seen on TV clutching a Rosary. Here she is in her younger days;

And then, later on, here she is being interviewed on the "Christophers" TV programme;

1 comment:

  1. I never knew that the song 'The Sewing Machine' was from a movie. The same machine, one of which we had at home in Dublin, has always been an impenetrable mystery to me.

    Betty, God bless here, came across in the Christophers interview as a woman full of life. May she be enjoying the eternal life that this Sunday's gospel promises.
