Monday 7 February 2011

William Oddie on ARCIC 111; is there any point?

William Oddie on the Catholic Herald Blog makes some straightforward points about the ARCIC process. I have to confess I agree with him. I am totally committed to the cause of Christian Unity but I do not believe this process helps at all. It has been well-known for many years that what one Anglican group agrees to in one room is usually gently put on one side by another group somewhere else (and sometimes not so gently!). If there had been any real, lasting, agreements on the documents already produced we would not be where we are now. Sadly, it seems that the Anglican Communion needs some kind of process for dialogue between Anglicans! I saw an interview on Anglican TV recently where an Anglican bishop from Argentina spoke as though there is nothing much of a "communion" left! The Evangelicals seem to be the strongest group now (in the sense of sharing a more-or-less coherent faith). Isn't it time they banded together and worked towards disestablishment so they could free themselves from those who seem to be part of a more disparate and loosely connected group that has little connection with orthodox Christianity?

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