Tuesday 22 November 2011

Wonderful photograph of the Blessed Sacrament

I found this on Facebook. It was taken on October 30th, 2011 at Adoration at Casa San Pablo in Sto. Dgo. Dominican Republic. Here are some interesting features; the colours of red and blue/white (Divine Mercy) and gold (glory). These colours also feature on the Rosa Mystica stautes (red, white and gold roses representing the mysteries of the Rosary etc). After careful examination the "gush" of graces (looking like water) are coming from the bottom area of the Host and over to the right, reminding us of the vision of Ezekiel.


  1. Fabulous! Glad to have you back!

  2. I saw that too Father, its awesome!
    Hope you enjoyed trip and are catching up on some rest.
    Blessings and prayers,

  3. I am checking on the authenticity of the photo (since it is bound to be challenged) and so far I have information that the photo was sent from one priest to his brother (also a priest). We can go on checking such things forever. As far as I am concerned I believe it to be genuine, which means that is is surely one of the most extraordinary photographs ever seen and is a "Eucharistic miracle"

  4. I am also amazed!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7049WVfSanM
