Wednesday 15 February 2012

I have been tagged by Anthony Radice. It is a meme originating with Mulier Fortis. See the rules below.

Here are the rules:

"You post the rules and a link back to the person who tagged you. Then you decide what three books are essential reading for anyone with a Kindle. Reasons would be good, but not essential. Then you tag five people. You also tell them that they've been tagged on their own blog, rather than just hoping they'll discover it for themselves."

Here are my three recommendations;

The Holy Bible. Douay-Rheims/Vulgata Clementia. Diglot Bible. Especially useful for those who want to learn or brush up Latin. The whole Catholic Bible in Latin and English in easy, readable chunks.

David Copperfield
by Charles Dickens. This is a special year for Dickens, and this is thought, by many, to be his best book - and it's free on Kindle!

Upon this Rock by Stephen K Ray. A study of St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in the early Church.

I have tagged the following blogs. All can be found on my blog list on the right;

fireoftheirlove - formerly "Shadowlands"
Catholic Commentary
Priest's Housekeeper
Tea at Trianon
Divine Life.

1 comment:

  1. Done:
