Saturday 31 December 2011

A time for renewal

Over the last year I have come to believe that it is important for priests, especially, to promote devotion to the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary. It was Blessed Pope John Paul 11 who invited all of us to join in what he called "the Alliance of the Two Hearts" (Angelus address September 15th 1985). I feel that my own spiritual life has been led to this point, and looking back I can see how the pieces have been fitting together. I think we should all do this from time to time - look back at the graces we have received - but especially at the end of one year and the beginning of another. St. Teresa of Avila wrote about this (looking back at graces). Sometimes there are connections in our lives that only become clear later on. In my case I see a very clear connection with some of my favourite saints, such as Saint Damien of Molokai, St. Vincent De Paul, St. John Eudes, St. Margaret Mary, St. Claude De La Columbiere etc. This is a time for making a considered renewal of our spiritual resolutions , and for those of us who have consecrated ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary it is surely a time for both a thorough examination of conscience and a deep renewal of that consecration. For myself, I also see a need to be more committed to the cause of Christian Unity and the purification of the Church. Themes that I find most beautifully expressed in the writings known as "True Life in God". Happy New Year to all.

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