Fr. Sean
Conaty has died. He was a priest of the
Hexam and Newcastle Diocese. I only met him a few times, but he always greeted me as though we were friends. He was an exorcist and a speaker at Charismatic and deliverance conferences. He contributed to a book on exorcism and deliverance. he was an engaging speaker and a great raconteur. He had worked in Chile in his younger days, and had been arrested on one occasion by the military police. He came home unscathed but angry. He was a good listener and a good learner, and when he knew something he was confident in sharing it. Although I did not see much of him, not having him around will be strange. For many in both the Charismatic Renewal and the ministry of deliverance, he will be greatly missed. He wont be able to tell any good stories in heaven, though - they have heard them all!
I know his name so well, he must be a priest my mom or dad knew. I will ask. God rest his soul. He looks kind.
ReplyDeleteA brave and humble man who touched many lives with his 'deliverance ministry'. Requiescat In Pace.
ReplyDeleteNO Father John!
ReplyDelete"Eucharistic Adoration Online" on Stella Maris! Not on this oasis of Yorkshire common sense, please.
That could be anything on the other side of the webcam.
I refuse to bow before my computer.
Tacky technological piety. One step too far.
Just below your beautiful statue. Please consider removal. Sincere people will seek out the Real.
How can you justify it?
Sam, this has been encouraged by the Holy Father. Try the web site and you will see. Of course there is no comparison with the real thing in the sense of visiting a church, but some people - who cannot get to church and have no access to the Blessed Sacrament - can know, through this, that they are united with others who are THERE where the Sacrament is exposed. Before condemning it so much why not go to the web site and contact the sisters who have set it up?
ReplyDeleteHis death broke my heart. He was our Chaplain at the Anawim charismatic prayer group in Newcastle. So humble and sweet. He passed away the day before I travelled to bury my dad in Africa. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
ReplyDeletesaw fr sean meny years ago was very specail preist people would come from all over the country too see him r.i.p fr sean
ReplyDeleteFr Sean was to me a very special person he brought me back to my faith and I will thank God all my days for knowing Fr Sean, in him I saw "The Father" all loving all forgiving. God Bless you Fr Sean rest in Peace xx
ReplyDeleteA million words couldn't describe the blessing i and others received through Fr Sean. A lady in Liverpool after a Mass said to me i can see and that the first thing i saw was that Priest (Fr Sean) holding up the Host. I din't even tell Fr Sean because at that time not being a Catholic i thought oh great, this must be normal! He was a wonderful Christian man who KNEW the Gospel and the Lord and acted on it. I was in a rock band around that time and the whole band became Catholic ! Paul Soffe
ReplyDeletegreg curtis...i remember sean conaty,always struck me that he was so direct didnt pull his punches that i could see him shouting th love of god even in a coal mine.