Sunday 5 June 2011

A Question on the Solemnity of the Ascension

In Christ, our humanity has been taken up into the mystery of the Blessed Trinity. What does this mean for humanity on earth? To change, if I may, the traditional statement at the distribution of the ashes, "Remember man that thou art dust, but that thy dust is charged with gold". What does it mean in relation to how we treat each other? Clearly, it is true that Christ identifies with each human person and so we can understand the strength of His words; "Whatever you do - or not do - to these least of these, you do - or not do - to me".

When we hear of elderly and vulnerable people being cruelly treated - treated as or less than animals - should there not be an instinctive and loud reaction from Christians? Where was it? Why, once again have our bishops missed an opportunity to preach the Gospel of life? Where were the news items about the united Christian voice raised against abuse of the elderly in hospitals and homes? Maybe I missed it, but even if I did, it was not very loud. Sometimes we can be so lethargic, but our lethargy can be sinful. Neglect can be almost as bad as deliberate cruelty. Are we not guilty of neglect if we see injustice and offer only a sigh or a whimper?


  1. No, you did not miss it. Is there anything in the religious press?
    There seems to be so much uncertainty on moral issues. Even the definition of charity (SUNDAY radio programme today) is confused.

    As an illustration of this the You Tube audio recording of Archbishop Nichols words is circulating.

    Why on earth should I be tempted back?

  2. Archbishop Nichols is not the Catholic Church.

  3. Well, the Anglican's have.................!!

  4. Thank you to you Father and Shadowlands for pointing out the article on the plight of the aged in some care facilities. It says:

    ‘This will continue until there is a mass movement in the country to make elderly care a priority. I am not aware of any political party, or even a Church of England bishop, making “care for the elderly” a priority.'

    If every Catholic made it a priority to visit local residential homes or check on their neighbours what a difference that would make.
    I trust there WILL be coverage in the Catholic press. If not, I, for one, will be writing. No use contributing aid to African famine and neglecting the suffering on our own doorstep especially when it is sadistically inflicted by staff! A disgrace!

    Seeing faith in action might bring "Lapsed" back to the Church.

  5. Sadly I have to say as a professional nurse now retired, that poor care has gone on for many years both in the private and NHS sector, , both for the elderly who are particularly vulnerable, and others. If you report it, you can be punished from the Powers that BE and called a whistleblower, even lose your job, or if you are a relative it can be difficult trying to get through all the baloney-even if you know what is what, though often people don't and trust those "in charge" - I know both as a professional and a visitor what happens .I don't know why some carers are like this, though fortunately there are many very good ones among the bad,and neither do I know the answer to "make" people do the right thing and do their jobs properly.
    The government might say this and that,so that they sound good, though they continue to steal old peoples savings to pay for nursing care which is supposed to be free since 1948 when the NHS started,but what you can do ensure good care I don't have the answers. Sadly when people get a bit of power over those who are weaker then evil can flourish--look at the Nazis etc--" all that is needed for evil to flourish is for good men( AND WOMEN) to do nothing. "


  6. Some time ago you posted a telling observation on Catholic blogging.
    Everything you pointed out appears in the words of Pope Benedict this month on the dangers of electronic communication.
    Perhaps you would make a selection of the relevant parts available on your blog.

    45th World Day for Social Communications
    Text and video available online
    Thank you
