On the wall facing my bed I have a very large, blown-up, photo of Teresa Higginson in a frame. It is not my property. I volunteered to take care of it for a time when it seemed to be in danger of being binned. It actually belongs in a presbytery, and I think it is about time it was returned.
Some years ago a retired (now deceased) priest in my diocese asked me to visit him. He had become involved in the cause of Teresa Higginson, and was looking for someone to succeed him. I think I agreed, but without much enthusiasm. A few years ago I felt a need to visit Teresa's grave. I don't know what I expected from that visit, but she has been a quiet "presence" in my life for some time.

I recently bought a new book about her; "The Devil in Bootle" by Richard Whittington-Egan. It is available from Amazon UK. It seems an easier read than the biography by Cecil Kerr. I think I heard a rumour that someone - or some people - is, or are, involved in trying to promote her cause again. It was never rejected by the Vatican, just shelved. The English and Welsh bishops have shown little interest in her. I used to find this puzzling, but having been an English priest for over 35 years I am no longer puzzled. To some it may be embarrassing to recall that she is a northern lass, and northerners - any English people really - are not supposed to behave like that! We may also be dealing with the fear of mysticism again. It has occurred to me that, had she been beatified, and her life and insights had been more widely known, she might have helped us to avoid the disastrous catechetical mistakes of the 60's and 70's.

Interesting post Father. I am intrigued,I must read that book.
ReplyDeleteI read a book about her Father,I found it in StMary's, Halifax. I forget its title or the author, but was intrigued. I will have a look to see if it is there still next time I visit St Mary's.I must try and obtain this new book also. Two other interesting books I have in my collection--The Third Mystic(Maria Vela of Avila,contemporary of St Teresa) and the Lily of Quito and the Rose of Lima(The Lily and the Rose).
ReplyDeleteI just looked up some information about her. http://www.teresahigginson.com/
ReplyDeleteI must watch out for her, from now on. She sounds a very lovely person.
I have never heard of this person so this was a real delight to read!
ReplyDeleteThe period during which she lived was also a time when Spiritualism became a craze. Teresa's experiences were probably viewed in the same light and subsequently dismissed by many as the general craze diminished following fraudulent cases of mediumship etc.
Well worth investigating and nice you brought it to our attention on 13 May (first Fatima apparition).
Where is the grave?
ReplyDeleteHer grave is at St. Winifride's Church at Neston, near the Wirral.
ReplyDeleteGEERT ASKS:Friday after the Feast of the sacred Heart Of Jezus should be celebrated, is there any Mass formular available for it?
ReplyDeleteNo there are no Mass texts for this. In order for this to happen there has to be some kind of official recognition and we are still waiting for that.
ReplyDeleteI believe my g-g-g-Aunt Catherine Stott acted as Devil's Advocate in the attempt to beatify Teresa Higginson in 1927. I've just found this out, after years of my mum thinking it was Margaret Sinclair that she had been linked to. Let's hope the Vatican re-open the case for Teresa.
ReplyDeleteGod bless, Father.
Hi Father,
ReplyDeleteI have read the book by Cecil kerr and i used to ask Teresa higginson intercession for few things whilst I also did my devotion to Sacred head.This devotion of sacred head she was asked by the lord to let the world know. Father i need you to clarify a huge doubt for me in regards to this devotion, if you read the 12 promises attached to it. The first promises is you will be blessed 1000 fold if you further this devotion however woe to him that reject or go against my wishes.I find that really frightening and I have not come across any devotions with its promises that have such a attachment. I can understand warnings for living in sin, breaking commandments as told in la salette or fatima.However is it really possible to attach a warning like that on a devotion,that many people may not further but could certainly practice.
Don't worry about this. This warning is for those who deliberately go against it - It does not mean that everyone has to practice the devotion. In these matters we are always free. But there are some, sadly who will choose to denigrate such things or to act deliberately against them. That is where the warning comes in. Even then, a certain knowledge is required for a person to sin in this way, so it cannot mean those who do not believe in the messages. Justice and charity are always required in such matters. Where these are lacking, there could be problems.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much father for replying to this!!!!
DeleteCould you please let me know if indeed anybody has tried to re-open the case for the beatification of Teresa as I have information which may be useful to those involved with regards to a medically inexplicable cure through her intercession. Thank you and God bless you.
ReplyDeleteFather, do you think that Teresa Higginson would have had a different spirituality had she attended the new mass as opposed to the one she attended during her time (Latin Rite)?
ReplyDeleteMy late father was from the area where Teresa is buried and I used to visit often but no longer live in the UK. There were also some French nuns who were promoting her cause in the 80s...I remember they rejected Vatican 2 and here's my question (since the devotion is for the end of times), do you think Teresa's faith would have been the same had she been born into a post Vatican II world? I doubt it myself