Friday 23 October 2009

The Pope of Christian Unity?

I was at the new Carmelite Monastery (new building that is) at Thicket Priory near York, when I heard the news about the Anglican provision offered by Pope Benedict. I was deeply moved and thank God for this wonderful grace. I saw on one "Anglican Use" blog (from the U.S.A.) that this Pope is being called "The Pope of Christian Unity". What a wonderful thought, and how fitting it is that this should be his special mission following Pope John Paul the Great. What could be a better or more fitting follow-up to the last pontificate?
Of course, not to be too starry-eyed, there is still much work to do with the Russian Orthodox and with some other Eastern Christian communities, but the great work begun by Pope Paul VI, the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras, and the much revered Archbishop Michael Ramsey, and especially taken up by the late JP11 and others such as the Romanian Patriarch, is bearing much fruit in our own day. My prayer, regularly, is, "Lord, grant Christian Unity in our day". Deo Gratias.

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