Sunday 14 June 2009

Corpus Christi and First Holy Communions

I have been away from blogging for a while because of illness and because I have simply been too busy at times.
This morning we had our First Communion Mass. The congregation was larger than normal and included some Catholics who no longer practice the faith in any way that we would recognise, as well as some who seem to have no allegiance to any denomination. I always think that these events are opportunities to preach the Gospel. Just how much impact this makes is something I can rarely judge, but preachers "plant seeds" and then must wait or leave the rest to God.
These days I often enter a "Billy Graham" mode, which means that I preach the essentials and invite people to accept Christ. Actually I have been doing this, on and off, for some years.
This morning I spoke about the experiences of Fr. Hermann Cohen and the late Andre Froissard, both of whom had extraordinary experiences in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament - experiences that led them to conversion. I recommend Froissard's book, "God Exists, I Have Met Him".

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